My first GSOC Journey
Hi everyone, I am Zheyuan BAI.
I’m so glad to annouce that my proposal have been accepted by the community DBpedia for the 2020 GSOC project A Neural QA Model for DBpedia: Compositionality on 4th May.
This will be my first journey of GSOC and my first experience working on an opensource project. I’m very excited to be on board because the subject of this project corresponds perfectly what I am interested to do: building linked-data to make information exchange more efficient and valuable. I think this will be a good start.
My First Meeting and Looking to the Future
On 8th May, scheduled at 15:00 UTC+2, I had my first meeting with my mentor Tommaso Soru and one of my co-mentors Anand Panchbhai, unfortunatly another co-mentor Jayakrishna Sahit didn’t make to join us.
During this first meeting, we have done self-introduciton and looked a little bit to the next few months. The concern of what I’ve planned in my proposal is that, it involves too much, I ‘m supposed to select and be focusing on less ideas which will be more faisible in a limited period(3 months) and my working result will beeasier to be delivered at last. To help me out with this situation, Tommaso suggested me to read more papers, like the refereced ones in his paper.
I am so glad to know my mentors and I hope that we will know each other better during this bonding period and I will have a great journey of GSOC in this summer!